Psalm 146

Tune: Aurelia 76 76 D O praise the Lord, O praise him!   As long as I shall live I will declare God’s praises    for blessings he shall give. Do not rely on princes,    for humans cannot save; for when their breath is ended,    their plans go to Read more…

I don’t do “infant baptism”

I don’t do “infant baptism” but I have definitely baptised infants… What’s the difference?  There is more than one way of thinking about baptism, and this is often forgotten. Many people think of baptism as a form of naming ceremony for children.  The word “Christening” is often used in this Read more…

Difficult Things

We did a piece of all age worship as art installation at Trinity Fishermead today. We created a piece of group art by reflecting on the theme of Lent 1… It began with a reflection on normal things – on the basis that Jesus humbled himself and entered into normal Read more…